Email: [email protected] | Tel No.: 416.738.1148

Book Massage

The One Box Challenge

You pick our version of your favorite beverage and put it to the test. Here are some of the reasons why you should experience our delicious gourmet Ganoderma coffee (or tea!) challenge

Yes! I want a box

Thousands of Happy and Healthier Customers

"You can taste the acid in Non-Organo coffee. Organo is bold, smooth, delicious and super friendly on the gut. The energy is smooth and long-lasting. Those are the immediate differences. The long-lasting benefits are too numerous to list."

Dr Bob Rakowski

"Regular coffee always left me with the jitters; plus needed sugar and cream to drink to taste good! Those added to my gut problems....the Organo coffee is so smooth all on its own, and I feel focused but no jitters."

Catherine Davis ​

"Regular coffee gave me a high level of energy and then drained me, also gave me oily skin and acne. Organo's Ganoderma beverages give me energy, calmness, and zero acne in 4 years and counting. God is always great."

Zaf Khan

"Regular coffee would give me acid reflux all day. This problem went away when I switched to Organo coffee. I felt many others benefits in my overall health over the past 7 years of consuming it."

Heloisa Higgins

How do I get started?


Pick one box of ANY coffee or tea and give it a try.

You can order online through my personalised website or through me directly. Simply search for the products you want to consume during your challenge.

So you know, purchasing from my website guarantees legitimate products and also give you access to me. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have moving forward!

Connect in with us! Friend me on Instagram or Facebook to join our Private Customer Group on Facebook.



We ship to 39 countries across the globe. If you are ordering from one of these countries, after placing your order, you can sit back and relax. You will receive your order to your door within the next few days. Shipping time may vary from country to country.

The shipping is all handled by the company but if you need any assistance, let me know and we can contact corporate for you!


"The order is here, what now?!"

Once your order is in your hands, get the kettle boiling, your favorite mug ready and place the full sachet contents inside the mug!

If you prefer a strong coffee add 3-4oz of hot water, medium 5-6oz and light coffee over 7oz of hot water.

Enjoy your very first cup of Ganoderma Gourmet Coffee (or tea!)

For a even better experience, we recommend you to fully switch to Ganoderma coffee or tea during this challenge (so don't mix it with regular acidic coffee).


Delicious Red Tea

a delicious tasting red tea combined with Cordyceps and Organic Ganoderma lucidum.


Gourmet King of Coffee

The deep, rich, and bold flavor is enhanced with rare and exotic organic Ganoderma Spore Powder.


Save up to 35% on all orders

as a wholesale buyer.

Select "Distribution Partner" - you won't need to build a business but this option will give you a yearly discount as a wholesale buyer. (no minimal purchase required)


Look how many Certifications we have!

How long until I start to notice a difference?

Everybody is different and has different needs and imbalances. So be patient and observe your body and how you feel.

Ganoderma has powerful adaptogenic properties that adjust to our bodies individual needs. This means that this medicinal mushroom will seek out imbalances in your body and help to bring you back to a state of homeostasis or balance.

Pay attention to your mental focus, energy, sleep, digestion and skin.

But here is a testimonial of a customer that noticed a difference in one single cup: (Feedback - We made some slight text modification to stay complaint - Image attached)

What should I pay attention to while consuming Ganoderma?

You may have been dealing with a chronic health challenge for so long that certain pain or discomfort is simply accepted as normal. When the body gets the nutrition it needs to heal properly, people start to feel a whole lot better. So don't be surprised if you notice small improvements over a consistent period of time.

So let's put this to the test. Download the assessment sheet below and over the next few days go deeper into your journaling so you can put a number on your improvement after a full box of Ganoderma beverages.

Take note of the following categories:


From 1-10 how do you feel in these categories today (day 1) and every week until you finish your box.


I am feeling fantastic after the box.

What's next?

First and foremost, I would love to receive a DM from you on my Instagram page @yourhandle to tell me about your experience.

The amount of stories I've heard over the years has inspired me to keep sharing. At this point, with Ganoderma being so powerful, it feels like I am obligated to share this with the world.

So you love the experience after 30 days. What's next?

Well as I say to everyone, you can
1) Remain a retail customer and even set up an auto-shipment so you don't run out.
2) Become a wholesale customer or
3) Get paid to drink and share the brand.

The choice is yours but one thing you are already doing right, is you are prioritizing your health! ​

If you want to book a call with me, click below and let's arrange a virtual Ganoderma coffee (or tea!) chat and see where we can go from here. I would love to connect and learn more about you and your goals and see if we can work together in any capacity.